
"Keep yourself happy, and those around you happy." - Haniya.

That is my mission statement in life.

As of 2022, I am an Engineer in Canada that has been working in IT for the past 5 years. I love things technical so you'll find a lot of my projects on here in technical nature (e.g. various robotics projects).

A big goal I am working towards over the next several years is achieving financial independence so that I have to liberty to switch careers as my child like passions and interests grow without worrying about keeping bread on the table. IT by day, hustler in the evening. The current goal is to explore alternate sources of income such as investing, day trading, drop shipping, etc. Join me as I document my journey along the way!


What is my objective with this blog? To keep my imposter syndrome at bay by "showing my work" on a consistent weekly basis. I hope through this page I am able to learn and grow by connecting with others with their own thoughts, ideas, and inspirations and have fun making some friends along the way.